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There are numerous other benefits from this operation that can improve the health of the person in remarkable ways. Improvement, and in some cases, resolution of comorbidities are well-established following sleeve gastrectomy.

An analysis of several clinical studies, with a follow up period of one to five years, has found that:

  • More than 80% of patients had improvement or remission of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
  • 77% resolved their high Cholesterol
  • 50% did not require medication for Hypertension immediately following the surgery
  • There was resolution of Sleep Apnea in over 60% of patients with this condition

These other health benefits are only partly due to the weight loss itself. Several well-conducted studies have demonstrated a profound change in the hormones that regulate the body chemistry and it is these hormonal changes that contribute to this dramatic improvements in the “biochemical health” of the person.

A 20 year long study conducted in Europe had shown clear evidence of a reduction in the incidence of heart disease, and death due to Heart Disease, in those who had bariatric surgery compared to those who did not (R).

Other benefits of Weight Loss surgery in the long term that have been found through several clinical studies include:

  • Significant improvement in arthritis and chronic back pain
  • Reversal of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
  • Improvement in fertility reduction
  • Reduction in the risk of Breast Cancer, ovaries and endometrial cancer
  • Better Quality of Life: Clinical studies of laparoscopic bariatric and metabolic surgery patients found that they felt better after the procedure, and spent more time doing recreational and physical activities. They also benefited from enhanced productivity and economic opportunities, and had more self-confidence than they did prior to surgery.

It is projected that Bariatric Surgery adds 5-7 healthy years to a person’s lifespan ( R)

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